River dream

dreaming about a river, dreaming about a river in the city, dreaming about a river in the desert, dreaming about a river full of fish, dreaming about a dry river,


Dreaming about a river, the general dream, plays the number 98

River bank

Dreaming about a river bank, plays the number 27

River in the city

Dreaming about a river in the city, plays the number 62

Swimming in a river

Dreaming about swimming in a river, plays the number 94

Fishing in a river

Dreaming about fishing in a river, plays the number 43

Long river

Dreaming about a very long river, plays the number 44

River in the desert

Dreaming about a river in the desert, plays the number 88

Dry river

Dreaming about a dry river, about a river without water, plays the number 59

River under a bridge

Dreaming about a river under a bridge, plays the number 20

Contaminated river

Dreaming about a contaminated river, plays the number 50

River full of fish

Dreaming about a river full of fish, plays the number 71

Dreaming about rivers is associated with patience. Rivers appearing in dreams symbolize patience, waiting for the right moment, a time that has not yet come but which will arrive sooner or later.

Good luck!

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